Monthly Archives: February 2007

Why can’t I stick my tongue out?

The typical tetrapods sticking their tongues out. One of the most bizarre parts of human body is a tongue. Unlike other appendages, tongue is rarely said to be a thing of great elegance and beauty. We are told not to … Continue reading

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Our civilization as the most advanced mediocrity

Incredibly, even in the 21st century there are still people doubting that we live in the best possible world, whining about evil, and even complaining(!) about their lot. Such behavior cannot be tolerated by civilized society. These irresponsible individuals should … Continue reading

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So Long And Thanks For All The Flowers

…In recent months, there has been an alarming decimation of honey bee colonies for which there is no explanation. Scientists are studying the problem from a variety of angles – mites and their associated viral diseases, unknown fungal pathogens, pesticide … Continue reading

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The balancing act

It is hard enough to make one’s personal choice between good and evil. Is it possible to make such a choice for millions of people, including the unborn ones? What kind of foresight would that require? Can evil be nothing … Continue reading

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Rejected love

Give me a storm; if it be love, Like Danae in that golden shower, I swim in pleasure; if it prove Disdain, that torrent will devour My vulture hopes; and he’s possessed Of heaven that’s but from hell released. Then … Continue reading

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Why are we hairless?

We have very little body hair. Why? Bipedalism and hairlessness are thought to be the oldest traits acquired on the road from an ape to a human. If man evolved on the African savannah in a wake of cataclysmic drying/cooling … Continue reading

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On French intellectuals

France is the country of intellectuals (or such was its self-vision until recently). Why France? What has changed? …Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite infects most warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary … Continue reading

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Now or never!

As the climate madness in the media is reaching its apogee, it is useful to keep in mind the underlying reason for the current frenzy. The confluence of factors that provided our climate activists with their favorite exhibits is not … Continue reading

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Getting where you started

Imagine: You started from point A, somewhere in the middle of a desert. After several days of travel without a map or knowing your destination, seeing only a few rocks at a time and making countless random turns, you finally … Continue reading

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Fatal attraction

If my heart’s not on fire, then why all this smoke? If there’s no incense burning, then what do I smell? Why do I love? And why do I doubt? Why is the moth so eager to burn in the … Continue reading

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