My Americana. XIV. Dear Mr. President, …


I finally had a chance to read the letter of Mr. Ahmadi-Najad (of Iran) to President Bush . The full text is here. It took me a while to remember where I’ve read something like that before: in Karel Capek’s classic “War With the Newts:”  The radio address of the Chief Salamander –

…Hello, hello, hello! Chief Salamander speaking. Hello, chief Salamander speaking. Stop all broadcasting, you men! Stop your broadcasting! Hello, Chief Salamander speaking….Hello you people!.. We regret the loss of human life. We have no wish to cause you unnecessary harm. We wish only that you evacuate those areas of coast which we will notify you of in advance. If you do as we say you will avoid anything regrettable. In future we will give you at least fourteen days’ notice of the places where we wish to extend our sea. Incidents so far have been no more than technical experiments. Your explosives have proved their worth. Thank you for them. Hello you people! Remain calm. We wish you no harm. We merely need more water, more coastline, more shallows in which to live. There are too many of us. Your coastlines are already too limited for our needs. For this reason we need to demolish your continents. We will convert them into bays and islands. In this way, the length of coastline can be increased five-fold. We will construct new shallows. We cannot live in deep ocean. We will need your continents as materials to fill in the deep waters. We wish you no harm, but there are too many of us. You will be free to migrate inland. You will not be prevented from fleeing to the hills. The hills will be the last to be demolished….We wish that you collaborate with us. You will provide us with steel for our picks and drills. You will provide us with explosives. You will provide us with torpedoes. You will work for us. Without you we will not be able to remove the old continents. Hello you people, Chief Salamander, in the name of all newts everywhere, offers collaboration with you. You will collaborate with us in the demolition of your world. Thank you.
(Chapter 8

This is how free people are supposed to respond to such letters:

 … His Majesty’s Government refused to negotiate with the newts and did not call off its ban on giving them any supplies. “An Englishman,” declared the prime minister on behalf of the entire nation, “will protect animals but will not haggle with them.” 

I wish someone would tell that to President Ahmadi-Najad…

About shkrobius

All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee; all chance, direction, which thou canst not see, all discord, harmony not understood, all partial evil, universal good: and, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, one truth is clear, whatever is, is right. PS: This is a mirror; my home is
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